Monday, April 23, 2012

Truth About YOUR Belly!

By Stephanie of Infinite Life Fitness

One of the most common questions I get when it comes to health and fitness is “How do I get that amazing six-pack?”


Some people like to try to take shortcuts and use these kinds of items to try to help them get the body they want:


The truth? A pretty strict diet and a steady intense workout. There is NO magic machine, apparatus, pill, juice, or any kind of magic fitness gimmick to help you get a slim tone body!

To get abs of steel you have to have the diet to accompany it along with the right workout routine. You cannot do hundreds of sit ups and other ab exercises and expect your six pack (or flat abs) to just appear. Women tend to carry more weight around their midsection than guys do. So for girls it is naturally harder to have the flat stomach you dream of. What I have found to be helpful for my friends and the people I help is cardio. It helps to shed those extra pounds and it also helps to tone your body. I am not talking about 20 minutes of cardio, it usually takes around 45 min to over an hour along with other exercises and routines.

Along with the perfect routine, you also have to have the correct diet. I would suggest lean meats (such as fish or chicken) and tons of fruits and veggies. Staying away from processed foods is ideal (and also the healthiest diet you can have). Your body can process and use food more efficiently if it is not highly processed and packed full of unnecessary ingredients.

Getting a tone strong physique like the models you see on TV or online takes a lot of hard work and discipline. Starting a new healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle change! It takes extreme dedication and is not always easy! Now I am sure that those models enjoy the occasional cheesecake or other sweet treat, but the other 95% of the time they have a pretty strict diet and steady workout routine!

So when making your health and fitness goals make sure to keep in mind what YOU want! Try not to compare yourself to other people’s body. Make goals that are realistic and that make YOU happy.

Please make sure to check out my website at!

Nutritious Bartending || The Healthier Mimosa

The mimosa is a relatively simple alcoholic drink that makes a great sidekick with a Sunday brunch.  The typical version contains 1/2 to 2/3 Champagne.  Depending on where you go, some mimosas may not be mixed with freshly squeezed orange juice ... and if they are, the oranges are more than likely not organic.  So how do we make the mimosa more healthy?  Well, I suggest the following concoction which involves freshly squeezed organic oranges and the smaller Champagne to juice ratio.  (Organic oranges are said to contain 30% more Vitamin C than conventional oranges.)  Additionally, this recipe calls for less orange liqueur, or none if you wish, thus reducing your sugar and calorie intake.

{Image Source}

Dry, chilled Champagne
2-3 fresh organic oranges
1-2 tbsp of orange liqueur, e.g. Triple Sec

Using a juicer, squeeze your fresh organic oranges.  Fill a chilled Champagne flute 1/2 of the way with your freshly squeezed juice and almost the remainder of the way with the dry Champagne.  Then add the the orange liqueur and voila!  (Refrigerate any remaining orange juice for later.)  NOTE: To reduce your sugar and calorie intake even further, opt out of using the orange liqueur.

Serving size: 1

For an even healthier mimosa that is packed with Vitamin A, check out this SPICY CARROT SUNRISE MIMOSA:

RECIPE for Spicy Carrot Sunrise Mimosa


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Twist Series: Loose Twists Tutorial

Loose twists, which were officially introduced on the internet by Cipriana of, are becoming the big rave these days.  What are they?  They are basically two-strand twists done very loosely.  One of the major benefits of doing loose twists is that it takes less time to do than regular twists.  One drawback is that the style ages faster, but that may not be a problem if you love frizzies or re-stretch the twists periodically.  I have toyed with trying loose twists but haven't gathered up the courage to do so yet.  Below is a video tutorial of the style by youtuber Alicia James.  For more on the loose twist regimen, check out

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Mixology || Natural Bubble Bath

Does your use of commercial bubble baths trigger yeast infections? Perhaps these natural alternatives will be more gentle for you, but consult with your doctor first ...


2 cups almond oil
2 cups distilled water
1 cup 100% pure soap flakes (or grated soap)
2 tbsp witch hazel--2 Tbsp

Boil the spring water and melt the soap in it. In another container, mixthe witch hazel and almond oil together and shake well. (If possible, do this in a blender.) Then slowly add the soap mixture to the witch hazel and oil blend and again, shake or blend well. These amounts will make a large quantity of basic bubble bath mixture to which you can add the essential oils of your choice as and when required. For each 2 tablespoons of base bubble bath, use 15 drops of essential oil and mix well. Use 1-2 teaspoons of the final product in each bath.


1 quart water
1 bar Castille soap (grated or flaked)
3 oz glycerin
5 drops lilac fragrant oil

Mix all ingredients together.  Store in a container.  Pour in running water.

FOR MORE: 250 Bath Body Recipes

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Beet Juice, Beet Smoothie: Blood Pressure & Stamina

Don't sleep on beet juice. Studies performed over the past several years suggest that drinking beetroot juice may lower blood pressure and thus have implications for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.  What is the underlying cause of this lowering of blood pressure?  It is the nitrate content of beetroot.  Additionally, other studies suggest that this juice boosts stamina, which can prolong exercising.

So how does one incorporate this vegetable into one's diet?  Well below is a recipe for a delicious, beet smoothie.  As always, please consult with your doctor before adjusting your diet or lifestyle.


1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
1 cup mixed frozen berries or blueberries
2 tablespoons granola
1/3 cup diced beet, raw (50 grams)
1/4 cup plain low-fat yogurt or low-fat coconut milk
1 teaspoon honey or agave syrup
2 or 3 ice cubes
sliced orange for garnish (optional)

Place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend for 1 full minute. Pour into a glass, garnish with an orange slice and enjoy.

Yield: 1 generous serving.
{Recipe Source}


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Oldies, But Goodies

1. Red Meat and Cancer Link?
2. More on Eggs ... Food for the Hair
3. A Clean Scalp & Hair Growth
4. Lighten Hair Color Naturally
5. Healthy Hairstyling #5: Phony Ponytails & Buns

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ingredients You May Not Want In Your Food

Original article from Food Republic

TBHQ, A.K.A: Butane


Turns out butane isn't just for lighters anymore - it's also an artificial antioxidant that they put it in chicken nuggets to keep them "fresh" tasting. So instead of your chicken nuggets being fresh, butane keeps them "fresh." Eating butane probably wasn't what you had in mind last time you lit up, got the munchies, and ordered those nuggets. Try these homemade chicken tenders instead, for fuel-free fuel. Found in: Frozen, packaged or pre-made processed foods with long shelf lives such as frozen meals, crackers, chips, cereal bars and fast food.


Regular milk is full of hormones used by the milk industry to keep the cows knocked up and lactating all year round. Sound gross? It is. So when you drink regular milk you take a shot of hormones with it. And all you wanted was a bowl of cereal. Found in: All non-organic dairy, so organic is recommended. But don't jump straight to raw milk before you know the facts.

Continue reading here.

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