Friday, March 9, 2012

Mixology || Seaweed Body Lotion

Do you want to know exactly what is going onto your skin?  Do commercial lotions irritate your skin?  Well here is a homemade recipe for a moisturizing body lotion incorporating natural ingredients.

Aloe Vera Gel--1/4 cup
Powdered Kelp--1 tbsp
Purified Water--1 cup
Sweet Almond Oil--2 tbsp

Mix all ingredients together thoroughly. Use a 12 oz bottle flip top bottle.

FOR MORE RECIPES: 250 Bath Body Recipes

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Shedding Too Much Hair?

Each strand of hair on our head goes through three phases:
--anagen (the strand is actively growing for 2-3+ years)
--catagen (the strand is converted to a club hair for 2-3 weeks)
--telogen (the follicle is at rest for 3-4 months)
Not all strands are in the same phase simultaneously; most strands are in anagen, a few in catagen, and a few in telogen.

Shedding is when club hair falls from the scalp.  Unlike broken hairs, shed hairs have a bulb attached at one end.  The process of shedding occurs at the end of the telogen phase (i.e., resting phase).

A normal scalp sheds up to 100 strands of hair daily.  This number is up to 0.1% of the hair on our heads.

Extreme shedding tends to occur when one is under physiological stress.  Under such stress, a disproportionate number of hairs can prematurely enter the telogen phase.  At the end of the phase, those same hairs are shed.  This extreme shedding is what is termed hair loss.

According to WebMD, the following are stressors that may cause extreme shedding:

  • Being on a strict low-calorie diet
  • After childbirth when estrogen levels fall
  • Severe illness
  • Having a high fever
  • Having major surgery
  • Severe infections
  • Certain medications (e.g., blood pressure medications)
  • Thyroid disease
  • Nutritional deficiencies (e.g., vitamin D)
  • Excess vitamin A

Determining the exact cause of extreme shedding can be difficult because there may be a lag between the stressful event and actual hair fall.  Start by remembering what event occurred 3-6 months prior to hair fall.  Additionally, visit a doctor as soon as possible because he/she can help you better determine and address the stressor.


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Dietary Fiber and Colon Cancer

According to the CDC, 52.7% of the American population were diagnosed with colon cancer in 2007.  The black population showed the highest rate, followed by whites, Latinos, and then Asians. (Source)

According to certain studies, including this one, intake of dietary fiber is associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer.  One theory is that "insoluble fiber from foods adds bulk to stools and moves them through the GI tract swiftly, thus reducing the contact time with potential toxins in the colon."

Foods high in dietary fiber, include (but are not limited to) whole grains, beans, raspberries, and artichoke.  For more on whole grains (including label reading), read my post here.  Please consult with your doctor before adjusting your diet.


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Monday, March 5, 2012

Foods to Fill You Up

By Stephanie of Infinite Life Fitness

Have you been looking for a snack or something to add to your meal to help make you feel full and more satisfied after you have eaten? Well it is common to find that you are not always satisfied when you are done eating a meal. It is important to learn the difference between feeling satisfied and feeling full. If you have the ‘I feel full” kind of feeling then you have eaten too much! You want to consume food that will make you not feel hungry but not make you feel like you have eaten too much either. Learning the difference does take some time. And at first it is uncomfortable if you are accustomed to eating until you “feel like you are full”. Just because you are trying to cut back on calories does not mean that you have to starve yourself! Never starve yourself! Find snacks that are healthy for you and find foods that will help keep you satisfied and full longer.

Here are some great suggestions for some foods that will help you to eat less but satisfy those cravings you may have.

  • Bananas: These are a great snack to carry around with you! These do not hold a lot of calories and they help to stop those hunger feelings if you are in between meals. Not only is this a great snack but it is not very expensive and these can be found at almost any store any time of the year! For those who want to keep those in their office drawer try dehydrating banana chips (you will need a dehydrator or find a baking recipe!) This is a great way to preserve a bulk of bananas you have bought and you can keep them in your purse or anyplace just in case you need a quick snack!
  • Oatmeal: This is a great power food! It is high in fiber and is low in calories. This is also a great snack because you can add things to it to spice it up (just as long as you do not add too much to make it not a healthy snack anymore)!  This is a quick snack to make, and it is also relatively cheap! Store brands and the name brands taste pretty much the same; the only difference between them is the price.
  • Peanut Butter: The best kind of peanut butter to find is the kind that says “100% roasted peanuts” on the nutritional label. This kind can be found in the organic aisle or placed with all the other peanut butter. It is important to get this kind because this is the healthiest kind of peanut butter to get! The other brands are fine but they are packed with other ingredients that make it not as healthy and slightly more processed. Peanut butter helps to keep you full for some time and you can pair it with almost anything!!
  • Whole Grain Pasta: These are packed with fiber! And, it helps to keep you feeling full for some time. You can also pair pasta with other things to help spice it up (like veggies or a salad). Try to stay away from creamy sauces (like alfredo sauce). Creamy sauces have more calories. Try to use low fat marinara sauce or make a vinaigrette type of dressing to drizzle over the pasta. You can add feta cheese, nuts, or anything else to add to the flavor but will keep the calorie count low.
  • Nuts: Nuts are great for snacking. You can try pistachios, almonds, pecans, nuts, and seeds. Just make sure to stick to the suggested serving size (which is usually about a handful)!! Nuts are packed with monounsaturated fatty acids and protein. These may be a little more expensive but they are great for helping you feel full longer.
  • Eggs: These are FULL of protein! A secret weapon to feeling full longer and to help you lose that unwanted weight. New studies have suggested that consuming eggs for breakfast may HELP you with losing weight! Just as long as you are not having a dozen every morning you should be fine. I would suggest about 2-3 eggs and try not to fry them in regular canola oil! Try boiling the eggs or if you want them scrambled or fried try to use olive oil. Egg whites are also a great option. I like to mix my egg whites with at least one full egg (for taste and for the extra things that are found in the yolk.

If you start your day off feeling satisfied you will be less likely to binge eat to try to catch up to feeling satisfied. So it is also a great idea to have a great breakfast in the morning to help start your day.

Hope that these are some great suggestions and hope that these tips help you to make healthier food decisions.

Please do not forget to check out my website for more health and fitness tips!


Oldies, But Goodies

1. Tips for Long-Term Stretching or Transitioning
2. Hyperpigmentation in Black Skin
3. Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo Recipe!
4. Exercise and Hair Growth
5. Carrots, Hair, and Body

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Friday, March 2, 2012

3in6: Starting Month #3

For the challenge guidelines, see this post.

Yesterday, we entered month #3 of the 3in6 Challenge.  In February, I wore small twists for almost 4 weeks.  (The big box braids didn't make it past day one/two.)  This March, I'll do another set of twists, possibly another set of small twists.  My regimen will consist of biweekly washes and conditioning.  I also plan to highlight my hair using cinnamon and honey (details coming in a future post).

Ladies, how did month #2 go for you? What will you do in month #3? Are you facing any challenges?

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Skin Care || Chemical Peel Recipes

Chemical peels can be performed on the face or neck to improve the appearance of one's skin (e.g., to reduce blemishes and acne).  Below are a few homemade recipes that are both inexpensive and natural compared to the professional route.  The active ingredient in the recipes is papain, which is an enzyme found in papaya.  Be sure to do skin sensitivity test before performing the homemade chemical peel on your face/neck.  NOTE: Those with darker skin may risk hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone after a chemical peel, thus the importance of a skin sensitivity test. 

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