Thursday, March 20, 2014

Protective Style Lookbook || Zipper Braid and Bantu Knot Updo

By popular demand, this is a series showcasing various protective hair styles.  Protective styling does not have to be boring. :o)

Model: Pure Estrogen

Difficulty level: 3/5

Description: Braid along hairline and pinned up bantu knot-out.

Mixology || Coconut Oil Lotion Bars

This is a super easy recipe requiring only 2-3 ingredients!

Recipe Source: Coconut Mama

lotion mold, muffin pan or tins 

1 part Coconut Oil 
1 part Pure Beeswax
Essential Oils (Optional)

For the instructions, check out Coconut Mama.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Protective Style Lookbook || Easy Chunky Twists Updo

By popular demand, this is a series showcasing various protective hair styles.  Protective styling does not have to be boring. :o)

Model: Iydvina

Difficulty level: 3/5

Description: Chunky twists in the front and small twists in the back to form an updo.


Healthy Recipes || Adding Asparagus to Smoothies!

Recently, I've been experimenting with adding asparagus to my smoothies.  Why? Well asparagus is loaded with more nutrients than I've seen in most other vegetables.  One cup of raw asparagus contains:

20% DV Vitamin A
13% DV Vitamin C
16% DV Iron
70% DV Vitamin K
17% DV Folate
11% Dietary Fiber
13% Thiamin
11% Riboflavin
11% Manganese


The recipes that I did find online either added sweeteners (e.g., tablespoons of honey, vanilla) or just did not taste that great.  So after a couple of trials and errors of my own, I came up with this delicious recipe that, not only disguises the unpleasant taste of raw asparagus, but also adds a bunch of other nutrients.

1 banana
1/2 cup blackberries
2 cups almond milk
2-3 asparagus stalks (bump it up to 4-5 if you are brave enough)
1 tbsp natural peanut butter

Note: my fruits and vegetables are usually frozen after purchasing, but you can use fresh ones if you want and just toss in some ice for more of a smoothie texture.

Just blend all the ingredients together and enjoy!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hair Diary || Moving On From Small Twists

Wore this fresh set for 3 weeks.  This was day 1.
So, the month of February was one of super small (and "strongly twisted") twists.  I really enjoyed the versatility; I also enjoyed that they lasted long.  I have done small twists over the past months, but this was probably my smallest (?).

Anyway, after a little over three weeks in these twists, I wore the resulting twist-out for a couple days and then finger detangled prior to washing.  My hair, more or less, still looks like the last photo (scroll all the way to the bottom) with the exception that it is clean now.  I tried a set of jumbo flat twists but felt I looked like a little kid, so right now, I'm thinking I'll try jumbo twists over the weekend.  Until next time ...

And now for more hair pics:

Day 1.  Finished twisting.

Day 1: Finished twisting.

3 weeks later after 2 washes and much shrinkage.

The resulting twist-out, which was only worn for a couple of days.

Finger detangled and ready to wash for the next set of twists.

Study || Oil vs. Butter for Gloss, Combing, and Reduction in Split Ends

Many of us already know that in order to avoid breaking, dull hair we need some form of moisturization (i.e., water followed by an oil/butter/cream).  However, if we are just discussing oils and butters, which group is actually better for our hair?

A 2009 study on oils (Brazilian nut, mineral oil, passion seed, palm olein, buriti, palm stearin) and butters (ucuúba, sapucainha, tucum
ã) demonstrated that the former may be the better option when it comes to combing ease, gloss, and reduction in split end formation.  This conclusion is linked to the "molecular chain conformation" of triglycerides in oils versus in butters.  The triglycerides in the butters studied have more branches and higher melting points, both of which may increase friction and thus decrease the ease of spreading.  What does this mean in plain English?  Well, think of it this way: Because butters are harder to spread on the hair, they may not be as effective as oils in terms of combing ease, luster, and minimizing split ends.  (Some of you are probably saying "Duh!!" right now simply based on just experience.  Lol.)

Another conclusion from the study is that 
ucuúba butter improves the tensile strength of hair -- which is something that all the other oils and butters studied did not do.  The thought is that the low molar mass triglycerides of ucuúba butter are able to penetrate into the hair (you know, like coconut oil).

So, in short, choose the oil over the butter if you want more sheen + less breakage and splits.



Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Healthy Body || Stephanie's Back - Summer Bodies Are Made in the Winter!

By Stephanie of Infinite Life Fitness

  fitness 101 round button

After a looooong delay I AM BACK! What have I been busy doing? Completing my Masters AND opening my own health and fitness personal training studio! Yes...that should tell you how busy I have been over the past few months!! But things are going well, I have managed to FINALLY find a good balance and now I am BACK!

THIS is the time that you should start to think of how you would like to feel AND also LOOK when the summer gets here.
If you start working NOW you will look and feel great when you have to wear those cute summer outfits (or bathing suits!)
So I bet you are now wondering what YOU can do now to help you shed the extra pounds before it gets warm:
  1. You can set a REALISTIC goal. You have to be real with yourself and realize that you can lose 1-3 lbs a week. Any more than that usually is an indication of something is wrong.
  2. You then set a REALISTIC time frame. So if you want to lose 15 pounds that should take you about 15 weeks. (And I ALWAYS over shoot the date with my clients so they will not get discouraged if they have not quite reached their goal by that date, BUT it will be more motivation if you are losing weight at a faster speed to help you reach your goal before that date).
  3. Set a P.O.A. This is what I call a Plan Of Action. This is when you will sit down and plan out your menus for the week, plan what days you will dedicate to workout, and the workouts that you will do. The more prepared you are the easier it will be for you to follow this plan and to stay on track! Yes, everyone has a busy life! And even with my own busy schedule I personally do not have time to workout....but I MAKE TIME to workout. So you have to MAKE TIME to get your food ready, to get your workouts done, and anything else that is needed to help you reach your goals.
  4. You have to find what is motivating you and find ways to keep you motivated. You can do this by placing quotes, images, scriptures, or whatever you like in places that you will see them. I personally have written messages on my bathroom mirror with a white board marker, I place quotes on sticky notes and have them in the kitchen, in my car, and at my fitness studio. I have constant reminders around me to help me stay motivated and on track even on the days that i am not feeling up to sticking with my routine.
  5. Lastly, you have to WORK HARD! Stay consistent with your workouts and eating healthy and you will reach your goals. YOU HAVE TO STAY CONSISTENT! And another rule is your diet is MORE important than your workouts. You have to fuel your body with the proper foods in order for you to start losing the extra weight to reach your goals.
Reaching your goals can be done in these easy steps! You have to get up and do something about it! No one else can do it for you! YOU have to want to make the changes in your lifestyle! Try to get your family to adopt to these changes as well OR get a friend to do it with you as well. This will also allow you to have an accountability partner to help keep you on track. The more support you have around you the better it will be! DO NOT put it off another day! Get up and do something about your health TODAY! You have the tools to reach your goals! So why not start NOW so you can flaunt your confidence and new body this summer. This is Stephanie from Infinite Life Fitness. Please feel free to stop by my blog for more health and fitness tips!


