Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Healthy Hair Feature: Jay

1) Are you natural, relaxed, texlaxed, or transitioning? (And how long?) 
I've been natural for 3.5 years. My last relaxer was March 2009 and I BC'd in August of 2009.

2) What mistakes have you made in your hair care journey? 
My biggest mistake was thinking that some things were just normal for my hair. I have extremely fine strands that are very fragile and prone to breakage. I thought breakage was just a property of my hair and something that I would have to put up with all my life. My hair really turned around when I realized I didn't have to just deal with it. I can prevent breakage by using protein weekly and using only my fingers to detangle.

3) What is your current HEALTHY HAIR routine? 
I keep my hair in braids most of the time. I prefer wearing mini braids with just my natural hair. I cowash at least twice a week with either Tresemme Naturals or Giovanni Nutrafix. I'm not loyal to any shampoos. I don't shampoo often and I avoid sulfates- Bentonite clay is my preferred method of cleansing and I use it before and after I wear mini braids. I DC with LeKair Cholesterol weekly when my hair is loose and biweekly when my hair is in mini braids. I use Shea Moisture products as a leave in and seal with grape seed oil. I've recently added ayurvedic powders to my routine, which I use about every 6 weeks.

4) Do you have a HEALTHY BODY routine? If so, what is it? 
I always struggle with this one. I start the day with good intentions but I don't stick to healthy body practices as much as I would like. I'm newly vegetarian (It's been about 8 months) and I end up eating far too many carbs. I'm still learning how to keep healthy foods stocked in my kitchen so I don't have to reach for something easy like some toast. I don't work out as much as I should but my plan is always at least 30 mins, 5 times a week. I have a muscular build so I see better results from intense workouts like kettlebell or interval training. One thing I'm good at doing is drinking water. I drink anywhere from 3-4 liters a day of pure water.

5) Do you have any advice for those seeking healthy tresses? 
The best advice I have is to learn what works for your hair and don't settle for okay. Always strive to have your hair in the best shape it can be. I would also advise not to compare your hair to others. My hair grows slower than average and it can be discouraging to see others reach milestones way before I did. I always had the longest hair growing up so it was surprising to find out that my hair grows so slowly.

6) Where can we find you (blog, youtube, tumblr, etc.)? 
I have a hair blog on maintaining mini braids at I'm also on tumblr, which is my catch-all personal blog. Some things are NSFW. The address is

Oldies, But Goodies

1. Ingredients You May Not Want In Your Food
2. Twist Series: Mini Twists & Micro Twists
3. Hair Growth Tip - Green Tea?!
4. Women's Fitness: What's True & What's False
5. Interview with a Fine-Haired Natural
6. Dietary Fiber and Colon Cancer

Monday, October 1, 2012

1in3: Let the Challenge Begin!

Starting length: Approximately 1 inch
until waistlength (WSL).
Today, October 1, is the official start date of the 1in3 challenge!  (For challenge guidelines, read this post.)

So, what's in store for this month?  Well, our goal is to retain 1/3 to 1/2 an inch (depending on your monthly growth rate) in 31 days.  If you really think about, that leaves little to no room for trimming, breakage, slacking on your regimen, and slacking on your health.

I've been scissor happy, loose hair happy, and heat happy since the end of our first challenge.  Cuts (I wanted to diminish my naturally forming mullet) and out styles (I did more twistouts this summer than I've ever done) and heat galore (I think I've flat-ironed my hair 4+ times this summer).  Fortunately, my hair did not take a turn for the worse, BUT I did not retain as much length as I could have since almost touching waistlength last winter.  Thus, getting back to this challenge will be a real 
motivation for not just you all, but for me as well. :o)  

So what is our focus for this month?  It is the word focus.
  • F is for "Firm".  Remain firm with your plan.  Do not get lazy or sidetracked.
  • O is for "Onward".  Progress onward to meet your goal.  Do not dwell on previous setbacks.  Do not compare yourself to others.  The path to achieving your goal is in front of you, not behind you or to your right or left.
  • C is for "Care".  Retaining length requires proper care of your hair.  Look to the challenge rules for strict guidance.
  • U is for "Undaunted".  If you do face obstacles this month, remain undaunted.  Do not become discouraged along the way.  Keep on pushing ... onward.  Remain ... firm.  
  • S is for "Success".  The first step to achieving your goal is to believe that success can become a reality.  In spite of the fact that my hair never grew past my collar bone for most of my life, I believed it was possible to break that barrier ... and I did.

So stay FOCUSed this month!  This month is smoothies galore and box braid extensions for me. :o)

So, ladies.  What is your hair care plan for this month? What style(s) will you wear?

Photos of my box braid extensions coming next week!

Setting Your Fitness New Year's Resolution

By Stephanie of Infinite Life Fitness

Yes, you read the title correct. It does say New Year’s resolution. I know that Halloween is almost here, but I have a great idea for those needing that last push of motivation to jump start your health and fitness goals. How about start working NOW to reach your goals for New Years!

Every year in January, I get an INFLUX of requests, questions, and clients who want to get in shape or get healthier to “start off the New Year”. But why not start now!?! You know that sexy black dress (or any other color dress) you have been secretly stalking to buy. Well, start working NOW so you can welcome the New Year with your new, healthier, sexier body!

Here is the plan:
  1. Make a plan! How much weight do you want to lose? REMEMBER to be realistic! It is recommended to lose 1-4 pounds a week (anything more than that can be hazardous of cause health complications).
  2. Set a plan of action! How are YOU going to start working towards reaching your goals? Cutting out that midafternoon carbonated drink or sugary snack? Making healthier meals for you and your family? Drinking more water? Scheduling and completing the workouts for the week? YOU can set your plans into action. Seek the help of a personal trainer, nutritionists, or even ASK ME for advice!! It starts with eating right! The things that you consume should be fuel for your body! Eating the right things will allow your body to start making the right changes once you incorporate a regular workout routine.
  3. Make a reward! What would you like as a reward for your hard work? Yes I know that you are not a dog and should not be rewarded with treats…but we are human…and having a reward gives you something to work towards. Even if it is shopping…a trip…or that black sexy dress you have wanted to buy. The reward has to be something worth working towards. Overall your main reward is looking…feeling…and living a healthier lifestyle which in the end will benefit your overall life! Now that….is the ULTIMATE reward!

So why not start NOW!? There is no more time to waste. Only YOU can make the change. There is no magic diet…or magic cream…or magic pill that can get you the results that you are wanting. You have to work hard for what YOU want and no one else can do it for you. It starts with exercise, healthy controlled eating, hard work, and patience. Remember results will not show up overnight. It will take about A MONTH for you to start seeing the results of your hard work…and trust me….when you start to see the results that is enough motivation to make you want to work harder to reach your overall goal!

So start today!

My name is Stephanie from Infinite Life Fitness. Please feel free to stop by my website for more health and fitness related tips!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Loc Maintenance || Tips for Loose Hair and Frizzy Locs

Youtubers Franchesca and DynamicRunner use the following technique to tame loose hair and frizzy locs:


Curls Confessions || Truth About Curls

If you have not heard about it yet, do check out Paul Mitchell's "Truth About Curls".  You can share "truths about life" with your curls, coils, or kinks at

What is your "truth"?

Monday, September 24, 2012

"Soul" Food Mondays || You Are Not Inferior

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

It is in your power to determine whether you will be the ground that another person walks on, whether you will be the doormat, whether you will be the gum under another person's shoe.  No one can keep you underneath others but you yourself.

So, here is the moment of truth: Will you grant another human being the power to make you feel inferior?  or will you tear up the consent form?  It is up to you and only you.

